(Ph. D.)

Tideräkningsgatan 36
SE 415 10 Göteborg

E-mail: beckfordiana07@ordfabriken.org

Keeper of the Beckfordiana website,
hosted by the Centre international d'étude du
XVIIIe siècle, Ferney-Voltaire.



1995: William Beckford av Fonthill, Wilts., 1760-1844. En forskningsöversikt, Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, Meddelanden nr 17, Göteborg 1995 [pdf-file may be downloaded here]

1996: The Transport of Pleasure. MS. Beckford d.10 (Fonthill Foreshadowed); utgiven och kommenterad av Dick Claésson, Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, Meddelanden nr 21, Göteborg 1996 [pdf-file of the entire publication may be downloaded here]

1997: "A brief note on Beckford's "Queen of Delusions"", in Notes and Queries, vol. 242, No 2 June 1997, p. 214

1998: "A survey of William Beckford's unpublished romance L'Esplendente", in Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, vol. 358, 1998, pp. 189-201

-------: "At a crossroads: assessing and redefining the Beckford agenda", in Beckford Journal, Spring 1998, pp. 22-33

1999: "The Scenario of Letters: Beckford & the Epistolary Narrative", in Orbis Litterarum, vol. 54, no 3, June 1999, pp. 161-173

-------: ""Sinking apace into the bosom of delusions" - William Beckford's earliest narrative of travel" [with an edition of MS. Beckford d.3, The English Journal], in Beckford Journal, Spring 1999, pp. 6-32

1999: Review of Peter Martin, A Life of James Boswell (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1999), in Ord & Bild, nr 6, 1999, p. 107-108

-------: "Författarskap och biografi. En diskussion kring det biografiska problemet "Beckford"", in Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, nr 3-4, 1999, pp. 109-128

2000: "Paul-Henri Mallet and the reception of William Beckford's Vathek (1786)", in Gudar på jorden. Festskrift till Lars Lönnroth (eds. Stina Hansson & Mats Malm), Stockholm/Stehag 2000, pp. 241-250

2001: Edition of Letter from Geneva, by William Beckford, with a brief introduction, in Beckford Journal, Spring 2001, pp. 18-19 [Introduction], pp. 20-29 [Edition]

-------: "William Beckford and the narrative of the biographical legend in the age of Voltaire", [abstract] Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century [forthcoming, 2002]

-------: Review of Timothy Mowl, William Beckford. Composing for Mozart (John Murray 1998), in Eighteenth Century Novel [forthcoming, 2002]

-------: The Narratives of the Biographical Legend: The Early Works of William Beckford [doctoral thesis, dissertation edition - december 2001], 369 pp. The act of disputation took place on December 8, 2001, with faculty opponent Professor Morton D. Paley. Read the long abstract of the dissertation here. Download Chapter 1. Introduction in .pdf-format (Adobe Acrobat) here. View the (now deserted) sketch for the dissertation edition cover here. Read the Swedish press release here. [An edition of the dissertation is forthcoming in Skriftserien, published by the Department of Literature, Göteborg University – December 2002]




1999: "William Beckford and the narrative of the biographical legend in the age of Voltaire"; paper delivered at the Beckford Round Table, at the Tenth International Congress on the Enlightenment, Dublin, July 1999


1. Book on Fonthill Abbey [focused on the public interest in the sale]: working title The Fonthill Mania.

2. Annotated edition of William Beckford's Red Copy Book.

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[This page was last updated on June 13, 2004]