Letter from Geneva, May 22, 1778»
[Ms Beckford d.9, fols. 34-43]
[1] Dear Sir,
As you did me the honour to say a Letter from me would not be disagreeable
I should have taken an earlier opportunity of writing had I not conceived
some merit in not intruding too forwardly on your important engagements.
I have now passed almost a Year at Geneva and I don’t know what
I can better make the Subject of my Letter than some account of what
I have been doing here and of some of the principal Characters, whose
Acquaintance I have chiefly cultivated with a view to the improvement
of my Time. Having for some time been persuaded that our Countryman
Mr Lock has discovered the same sources of our knowledge, however short
my application may have fallen of the wishes of my Friends, I cannot
accuse myself of having sat still to wait for the devellopment of Innate
Ideas and having no pretensions to [2] Inspiration I have believed
myself fairly left to the use of my Five Senses and a little reflection
for the first materials of my knowledge. Simply to stock my Mind with
Ideas and with Words to express them I suppose to have been the proper
business of my earliest Years, and partly that of Education to direct
me to those most worth acquiring. I dare not but flatter myself some
little stores may have been thus gained to Memory. The natural Enquiry
is what use I have made of them. I learn from the great Master of human
Knowledge /just mentioned/ that there are two other powers which claim
a right to the free use of these primary acquisitions. One delights
to disjoin, or jumble them together with the wildest Caprice, and cares
not for method, arrangement, or any thing else provided she holds up
a pleasant Picture to the Mind. The other a grave and respectable Matron
resolutely calls to Order, claims the Rule of the Ideal World and thinks
it enough, that the former should stand second in the intellectual Sovereignty.
Her object is to change the whole Face of things; [3] she will not suffer
the treasures, which memory has been collecting, to rest in their first
State, unmeaning and passive, nor on the other hand to be heaped and
huddled together at the arbitrary suggestions of Fancy. It is her province
to marshal them in Order to examine their relation or disagreement,
and to chain down each to its proper place. If now I return to the Enquiry
into my own Conduct under the Influence of these two contending powers,
I fear I shall stand self-convicted of having sacrificed a little to
freely to Imagination. –
Numberless Ideas have I put asunder which Judgement would have joined;
as many have I closely linked, where she has forbidden the Alliance.
I may however boast the Merit of being at length brought to some sense
of Duty in this affair, and of having at last resolved to subject my
Imagination to the Dominions of her Rival. Whether the Steps I have
taken are likely to effect my purpose is submitted to your opinion;
I am going to trouble you [4] with them. – Having chiefly attached
myself, whilst in England to Classical, Historical and moral Studies
with some of their auxiliary Branches of Knowledge, I have, since my
residence here enlarged the plan of my pursuits and have entered about
six Months ago, on a Course of Experimental Lectures in Physics with
Mr D’Espinas who formerly gave Lessons to several of the Royal
Family and has brought from England a very noble Apparatus. As he is
allowed to conduct his experiments with the severest reasoning, I hope
I am, at the same time, making some advances in Logic and perhaps learning
it in the best way. - -
The English Philosophy has gained great Credit by our late discoveries
in Electricity and fixed Air. The names of Franklin and Priestly
are in high estimation at Geneva. The Civil Law still keeping its authority
in this Republic is a good deal cultivated, and Geneva continues to
produce Civilians of [5] distinguished abilities. – This advantageous
circumstance joined with the Consideration of Justinian’s giving
the Law in some of our own Tribunals and influencing in some measure
the legislation of most of the Countries in Europe, has tempted me to
undertake a review of this System of written reason in a Course
of Lessons with an Advocate of reputation. As far as our time has admitted
Mr Lettice and I have accompanied this Course with the reading of Montesquieu
and Blackstone. If I had an opportunity, I believe I should attempt
a parallel betwixt the Roman Law and that of England. An exercise of
this kind might not only contribute to fix both in my Memory; but impress
more deeply the Characteristic differences of each, which, for the happiness
of our Country, are very considerable. We make some use of the Elements
of Hennecius, esteemed here the best of the Commentators. His general
method is, to give first the Definition of each Subject, and then to
collect the Spirit of all the Laws upon it into two or three [6] concise
anxioms. The several Cases and Circumstances, to which they apply, are
next deduced as necessary at least as natural consequences and he concludes
with shewing how far each Law obtains at present in those Countries,
where Justinian still maintain his Credit. I find this method clear
and interesting; it at once makes the spirit of the Law intelligible
and not very difficult to retain. These objects added to my former Studies,
with some application to the Spanish, Italian & Oriental Languages
and an attention to my Exercises have found me sufficient employment,
and such as I hope my best Friends and particularly yourself will not
disapprove. - - -
Having said full enough and I fear too much of myself, I will give you
a slight sketch of some of those persons whose conversation I have chiefly
sought here; some of whose Names you are probably not unacquainted with.
- - -
I luckily caught the moment of seeing Voltaire before his [7] setting
on our Horizon. –
All we shall ever see of him more at Geneva is the light of his Genius
reflected from his Works.
I will next present to you a less brilliant but far more sedate &
moral personage Bonnet de G[?] from whom I have received a thousand
flattering marks of kindness and affection. This Gentleman, since Linneus
and Mallet are gone, may perhaps justly claim the first Rank in the
walk of Natural History. It may be doubted whether his Vocabulary
in this Language be of equal extent with theirs; but his experiments
and discoveries shew him to have interrogated Nature with at least as
much, if not more Sagacity than either of them. He is not less eminently
distinguished in Metaphysics: He has endeavoured to strengthen the foundations
of this Science by the application of some important discoveries in
Natural History. [8] His System of the Germ or Corps indistructible
is placed on the Ruins of Buffon’s organic molecules. He
appears on many occasions a warm Advocate for Leibnitz’s pre-established
Harmony; tho’ he by no means adopts it in its full extent.
Mr Bonnet possesses in common with Fenelon and Gravesend
the rare talent of composing whole Works without writing a Letter and
that so correctly, as scarcely to change a Word when he commits them
to paper. He was bred to the Law and is said to have shone in his profession;
but his propensity to meditation and retirement occasioned his quitting
the Bar at a very early period of Life. He lives upon his Fortune at
an agreeable Villa on the Lake in the elegant Commerce of literary Men
and is visited by most Strangers of Distinction and Merit who come to
Geneva. - - - - -
Mr De Saussure possesses the Chair of Natural Philosophy and it is but
just to infer, that he is a Philosopher. All the World [9] however
agrees, that Mr De Saussure has a comely Person, a fine House, a spruce
Apparatus and a Cabinet of Natural History so amiably arranged that
Philosophy with him seems to have thrown aside her Beard and Savage
Air and to be attired by the Smiles and the Graces. –
Mr Frouchin de la Boissiere, called here the Montesquieu of the Age
is in Person, a striking contrast to Mr De Saussure.
He is unquestionably a Man of Genius and uncommon acquisitions in various
parts of Literature. His attention has chiefly been turned to Law, Politics
and History. He has perhaps a more general intelligence in the politics
of Europe than any Man not particularly concerned in them. His Lettres
de la Campagne gave occasion to the very celebrated ones de la
Montagne of Rousseau.
The opposite principles violently insisted on in the one and the other
have kept this Republic in perpetual agitation since the Year 1765.
Rousseau having long renounced all personal interference in the Genevan
Contest, Mr Frouchin remains the sole Oracle. - -
[10] He lives wrapped up in the Groves of his Villa, apparently retired
from all political Concerns and if consulted at present, it is not without
the affectations of a very mysterious secrecy.
Mr Mallet, Professor of History, was formerly employed in the education
of the King of Denmark. The Tutor approaches much nearer to Aristotle
than the Pupil to Alexander. - - - -
Whilst in this situation Mr Mallet found opportunity to cultivate the
antiquities of the North. He has particularly explored the Customs,
Manners and Mythology of the antient Scandinavians, which he has displayed
at large in the very interesting and elegant Introduction to his History
of Denmark. His acquaintance with polite Literature in general is reckoned
very extensive. His manners and conversation are correct and easy without
any of those insipid prettinesses, the common gingerbread guilding of
Courtly Characters. He enjoys the first Consideration here and I have
had the happiness of living a good deal with him. - - - - - -
[11] Mr Senebier, the learned Librarian of Geneva, pursues many different
branches of Literature with indefatigable application and most of them
with success. In physics he has shewn himself a watchful Observer of
Nature and at a very early Age published his L’Art d’observer;
a Work of merit. He has acquired more than a common knowledge of the
Learned Languages both ancient and modern and has justified his pretensions
to Criticism by several well written Articles in Literary Journals of
France and by other Essays of Taste. - -
In the province of Antiquary and Biographer he has almost finished the
Literary History of Geneva; a curious and interesting Work which he
means to give to the World at his leisure and with a Sight of which
I have been already favoured. - - -
He has now in the Press a very ingenious Treatise, the Object of which
is to ascertain the age of antient Manuscripts. –
The public in the Course of last Winter has been indebted to Mr Senebier’s
pen for a very spirited Eulogy of the late Baron [12] Haller and the
first Volume of the Memoirs of the Academy of Arts at Geneva. The Literature
of France has likewise received some valuable accessions in several
foreign Works of eminence translated by him and particularly the Reproductions
Animales of the famous Italian Naturalist Spallanzani. As this Gentleman
writes where other Men speak, and in short does nothing without Book
he paid his addresses to his Wife in a sentimentel Novel; but as Nature
formed him rather to think than to feel, it is questioned, whether all
the Fame he has gained by this gallant piece of Work extends beyond
the narrow sphere of the Lady’s opinion. - - -
Mr Bertrand presides in the mathematical Chair with great ability and
reputation. He is distinguished by the Liberality of his Sentiments
and a very masculine Understanding. He is about to publish a Work in
the Science he professes, in which some useful discoveries are expected
from him. He possesses a good deal of information on various Subjects,
which he displays very agreeably in the Conversation of his friends.
[13] There is something singularly attractive in his Manners. As he
sometimes takes an active part in the affairs of the Republic his civil
Character is marked by an intelligible upright and decisive Conduct.
- - -
Mr le Syndic Turretini is too conspicuously placed not to command my
respects upon this occasion. He is visible head of a Commission appointed
to form a new Code of Laws for the Republic. He is favoured with the
gift of Tongues in a superior degree and deluges a Conversation with
Words in half a Dozen Languages. - -
When the present King of Sardinia visited the Frontiers of Savoy, Mr
Turretini was chosen to present his Majesty the Devoirs of the State.
(By the way, I believe the Conduct of this Ceremony with the Adjustment
of some little differences about a few Acres of Territory has sometimes
been stiled Mr Turrettini’s Embassy) On all similar occasions this
Syndic is made the Organ of the fine speeches of the Republic. His managements
betwixt the two parties of the Commonwealth have now and then exhibited
something a little problematical to the [14] politicians of Geneva.
- -
He is reckoned an able Civilian and is allowed to have acquitted himself
with Eclat as Mr De Saussure’s Predecessor in the Professorship
of Natural Philosophy.
Mr Moulton was formerly of the Church and admired as an accomplished
Orator. I am not acquainted with the Motives which induced him to quit
his profession. His Fortune must undoubtedly have rendered him indifferent
to its emoluments; but he is not a Man to act upon negative Reason only.
A great share of Genius and Learning united with Taste and Delicacy
of Manners from the Ground of his Character, which is still rendered
more affecting by a deep shade of melancholy. - -
The Charms of his Understanding have won him the esteem of Voltaire,
the sensibility of his Heart has endeared him to Rousseau.
His enthusiasms for Freedom, which has probably had its share in engaging
him the friendship of the latter, has secured [15] him the affection
of the Citizens of Geneva, who assure themselves his influence will
give a little of the genial warmth of Liberty to the Aristocratic phlegm
of the Code. He is lately gone to Paris to read Rousseau’s Memoirs
of his own life, and is supposed to be almost the only person to whom
they are to be communicated before the Death of their Author. It is
not improbable his Design is to submit in his turn an Idea of the Genevan
Code to the inspection of his Friend. - - - - - -
Mr Vernet the theological professor, boasts a presence of Mind and Vigour
of Constitution equally uncommon at Fourscore and four.
I know not whether our Nestor in the World of Letters may not be said
to have seen two Generations pass away and to live in the third. He
may make the same reflection on the literary Race, which the Sage of
Pilos does on the natural.
Having been engaged in Controversy he often recounts his polemical scars.
He is well versed in antient learning and profoundly Master of that
of France. He has known and lived [16] with many of the great Men, who
figured in the Annals of Louis XIV; as well as with the brightest of
their Successors: It makes the chief Amusement of his old Age to relate
their Memoirs and Anecdotes and to describe their Characters and Writings,
As Homer’s Sage would recite the warlike Actions of a Theseus,
or Polyphemus, our venerable Professor celebrates the Literary Achievements
of a Huygens, or Cassini. We hear how the former taught the Pendulum
to vibrate in the Cycloid, and the latter subjected to the Empire of
Science the inundations of the Po. – Sometimes we follow him thro’
the paradoxes of a Hardouin and the peregrinations of Saint
Peter shadowed forth in the Æneid, are led with rapture thro
Fontenelles’ plurality of Worlds, or taught to choose the best
with Massilon, or Saurin. I have frequently heard him harangue a Literary
Circle on some point of Erudition for the Space of half an hour together,
which he does with a Compass of knowledge and facility of expression
that would not have dishonoured his most rigorous years. Thus at an
Age which seldom offers anything to notice but what excites mortification,
Mr Vernet is the delight of [not numbered [17]] of [sic] every Society
he enters. - - - -
His learned and liberal researches in his own profession will probably
secure him the regard of a future Generation, as a life that corresponds
to the Doctrine he preaches, attracts the Veneration of this. - -
In Mr Huber I introduce to your acquaintance a Genius so wild, so irregular,
so various, a Camelion that presents himself under so many different
Colours almost at once, that I know not which to call most properly
his own, nor which I shall attempt to catch first in the rapid succession.
I see him this moment starting from his Chair with his Instrument in
his hand and playing an Italian Air with all the fire, feeling and expressions
of a great Master. Now he sits down and instructs his Friends with a
solemn dissertation on the present state of Europe. He has just snatched
up his Scissars and is cutting at figures in paper. What an unworthy
amusement, some Stranger exclaims; It is Hercules with his Distaff!
– But all is consecrated in his hands. We are [18] presently astonished
with a fine Landscape a beautiful assemblage of picturesque Objects,
or perhaps a Colossal Hero frowning in paste-board. The Scissars however
are not Mr Huber’s only Instrument of Design. At the age of forty,
he took up the Pencil. We have scarcely time to admire the wonders he
works with it, before we find him passionately occupied in examining
the Nature, Gravity and pressure of Fluids. Whilst his Friends are promising
another Archimedes or Boyle to the Science of Hydrostatics, he is suddenly
engaged in a Treatise on Falconry and his Imagination is soaring into
the Clouds with his Hawks. At this Moment he comes reeking from his
Diversion all over blood and filth with Lures and Coping Irons, dangling
about him. We meet him next in the Drawing Room transformed into a fine
Gentleman and entertaining the Italian, the Spaniard, the German or
the Englishman, each in his own Language, with descriptions, anecdotes
or customs, of their several Countries.
His discernment instantly seizes the ridicule of every Character, [19]
which, at certain intervals, he seldom fails to reflect back in the
most vivid colouring that Mimickry and Wit can furnish. After so many
strange Instances of Versatility we are not surprized to see him dispensing
Justice in one of the Tribunals of the Commonwealth, nor, as soon as
he is escaped to his Villa from the Tramels of Business, exulting in
the Views of the Lake, the Woods and Mountains around him and describing
their effects in the Language of Inspiration.
When I cast my eye back on some of the Traits of the original I have
been drawing, I know not whether I should apologize for the fidelity
of my piece: Unless however you should condescend to correct me, I shall
be half inclined to think they ought not to have been omitted. –
Here Sir, I have presented to you a respectable Company, to whom I am
indebted for the pleasures of the most agreeable Society. I could much
have enlarged the number by the distinguished Names of Le Sage,
Tremblay, De Rochmont, a Claperede and a De
Lolme; but that I have wanted opportunities of [20] cultivating
them sufficiently to do justice to their merit. I may add too that I
have all along felt some discouragement under the idea of addressing
these pourtraits to a Gentleman whose own Character presents one so
superior to them all.
I have the honour to be
Dear Sir
Your Obedient and Obliged
Humble Servant
William Beckford
May 22d